Education for Children and Widows in Nigeria
With the daily challenges posed by economic difficulty and other social issues, the Nigerian government and private sectors are working very hard to ensure that their schools continue to provide a standard of education that can make their citizens at par with the educated people in developed countries.
The Challenges of Widows in Nigeria:
To a certain extent, Nigeria is still striving to succeed in its crusade for quality education. The problem is that a good education requires a price and it is often a price that a lot of parents and widows in Nigeria are not able to pay. This is one of the plights of widows in Nigeria.
As you can imagine, quality education is still unreachable for a large number of orphans in Nigeria, because they have no one to rely on to shoulder the financial responsibility of providing quality education for them.
There is a clear recognition of the role that education plays in overcoming hardship and poverty. However, elusive as it may be, a good education is still considered as the pathway to a better life.
Will you help to provide back to school supplies for kids that are currently living in many of the Nigerian orphanages?
How You Can Support The Vision:
GCEDC welcomes donations in many forms. Checks and Cash donations will be appreciated but donations in-kind are also much needed. You can donate clothes, food, water and tents to widows and children living in orphanages worldwide and disaster relief operations.
Global Community Economic Development Corporation accepts used clothing, knitted items and shoes then distributes them to the needy. Orphanages would greatly appreciate your toy donations.
What You Can Also Donate:
You can also donate vehicles, furniture, computers, books, school supplies and practically anything that you may no longer have a use for but others can certainly benefit from.
Whether the donation comes from an individual or a business organization, giving to Global Community Economic Development Corporation for whatever reason and in any form big or small amounts, will help make a difference in the lives of many widows and orphans.
How To Make Donations:
You can make an online donation by clicking here. Or you can mail your donations to our office at:
Global Community Economic Development Corporation
5100 Wyoming Avenue, suite 300
Nashville, TN 37209 USA
Call Today: 615-297-7437